The Hyperlink Manifesto

Poetic expression must engage with and embrace the technological changes of the internet age. The internet allows increased accessibility to poetry and poetic forms reflect this accessibility. Poetry should not be only for the few.

Poetry should not be a static art form and to treat it statically is to do it a disservice.

The Regan Project attempts to transform the traditional into the modern - the sonnet sequence becomes the hyperlink sequence.

I call this form Hyperlink Poetry: the poems inside the sequence are no longer rigidly ordered but speak directly to each other and form a list of emotion based associations.

The 21st century is a time of uncertainty. Hyperlink Poetry reflects this uncertainty by encoding fluidity into the verse form.

Although it has a beginning and an end the majority of the Regan Project has no fixed order; each reader recreates the text upon reading it. Hyperlink Poetry is a deliberate questioning of the fixed.

Poetry should be both creation and recreation. Hyperlink Poetry calls for the blurring of boundaries between reader and writer.