He comes to her like the overfill,
Like each day of her mourning had infused his limbs
With that animal itch;

He moves like it too: some creature of the earth. And, despite the artifice in his speech,
He looks a little like her love did years ago, when he was young.
He encircles her with ever yearning flesh, tightens her


The body moves, becomes both man and other, the word dampening in his throat.
        The shift in him unsubtle. She is both other and

                    Self, holds her annoyance and Regan’s desperate hunger the same place
                              In her skin. The boy flounders, still. She steps on his toes

In pettiness; the ASM does not hear him (will we hear him say it again, a little louder?)
                    While she sheds away all that is Regan out of her body, something small and slight discarded

Across the stage. Rescue comes, at last, and he returns/ Regan recreates herself, her body restless with undisrupted longing.