The shit in her was a stone breaking against the cut
Of her gut. Farting gave no relief. Her too-fast
Breaths sucked air into an already heavy stomach.
The sick could not be expelled from her mouth
Though the taste of it still drenched her in scent. The body
Cognizance, one stick of flesh dislocated until
She was faint with sickness, her belly
Base. The taste a burning door and worse: Goneril
Had taken from her, the same way she always had. Goneril -
Who already had so much, who was watching this
Scatological humiliation with a goldfinch's eyes. Edmund was
Regan's first. Goneril already had a husband.
Bitch! The pain of it made shockwaves ripple her flesh
Until she tightened herself with anger or else that shameful agony body.