Because well-raised children become the taxpaying workers of the next generation,
While badly-raised ones become its criminals and layabouts./ Whichever way you look
At it, the population of the world is exploding, resources are getting harder to come by
And things will only get worse. Yes something needs to be done, but by limiting the
Availability of condemns due to religious error, our leaders and authorities are
Exacerbating the problems. /Because breeding is the nearest any organism has to a
'Purpose'. It's basic. / I am sorry you are childless,but it makes no sense to complain
About the cost to you as a taxpayer of other peoples children. We all benefit from the
Lives of people that others have had to raise and educate-the doctornurselawyer
Builderdentistetc especially as we get older.Having children is a joy,but there is also
An unavoidable element of self-sacrifice.Did you never consider adoption? / Do you
Weep for Mars, it's empty surface devoid of life?/ For the woman who is sure she wants
Children though.I would strongly advise her not to waste her most fertile years living
With a man who doesnt. /

This found poem has been taken from the comments section of this article:
People who don't have children benefit our environment more than any campaign it's time to celebrate them